What a great day for a cruise! This weekend’s cruise included a trip to the coastal village of
St. Martins, NB. I have lived in New Brunswick most of my life, but I have never been to St. Martins...until today.

The day started early, my friend Luc came to my place and then we connected with our other riding partners, Martin & Susan. First stop for us was coffee and breakfast at the Irving Big Stop, it was very good! Over breakfast, we planned our trip and decided that we would head for
Saint John, NB on Route 7 and then on to St. Martins…route is shown below.

The drive to Saint John was good, however the temperature was about 5 degrees cooler as the fog was rolling in off of the Bay of Fundy.

We stopped at a tourist rest and I called my friend Al (
@nbteacher on Twitter). The plan was for Al to meet us and lead us on the tour to St. Martins. We met Al at a gas station, fueled up and made our way to St. Martins. Al took us on a scenic route that was full of twists and turns and views of the coast. It was a fun ride, but the road was rough.
It took us about half an hour to get to St. Martins and when we arrived the scenery did not disappoint. We drove through town and arrived at the wharf.

There is also a lighthouse that serves as a tourist information center and covered bridge next to the wharf.

We went through the covered bridge and to the edge of town. We stopped at Cave View Family Restaurant and viewed the world famous sea caves. Unfortunately, the tide was not out all the way, so we could not check out the caves.

We stood around for a bit, enjoyed the scenery and ventured into the Cave View Family Restaurant for lunch. Most of us opted for haddock & chips, Luc went with the scallops. The food was excellent!

After lunch it was off to the
Fundy Trail Parkway.

This place was absolutely amazing, the roads are fun to drive and the scenery is astounding! The views of the coast and the changes in elevation were fun to ride! If you come to New Brunswick, this is a must visit site!
Here are some of the views from the Fundy Trail Parkway...breathtaking!

We stopped at Salmon River to check out a suspension footbridge and decided that we had to try it out!

Here I am heading down a set of trail stairs towards the footbridge!

Here are the fearless bikers and the bikes!

We were running out of time as we still had about 160km trip home. We tried to figure out what would be the best way to get home, we decided to go through the
Town of Sussex and head back to Fredericton following that route. Al left us at this point and we hit the road. We stopped in Sussex for a coffee, planned a fuel stop and went on our way.
Today's journey was close to 400km and you can tell from the pictures that it was an excellent motorcycle run!
Until next time, ride safe!