The MC that peaked his interest was the 2016 Harley Davidson Street Glide - Rushmore Edition! To make a long story short, he worked out the purchase at the local Harley Davidson dealer and he is now the proud owner of a new Street Glide. I was invited to join him on the day he took ownership and I have to admit, his new ride is a real beauty!
This past weekend, we went out for our first extended ride of the season, about 400 km along the Fundy Coast via St. Andrews by the Sea, Dipper Harbour and Saint John. I decided to throw my DSLR in one of my saddlebags so that I could grab a few shots of my friend's new ride.

As you can see from the pics, this bike is a real beauty! Looking forward to sharing the asphalt with my friend Luc and his new Street Glide!