Well, the time has come to sell the 1997 Ninja 250 aka the "Baby Ninja"! I have mixed emotions about selling this bike as it was purchased as a
project with the intention of rebuilding and giving to my son.

Well, the rebuild did take place and it was a blast fixing this bike while at the same time teaching my son about motorcycles.
My son learned how to ride and spent last summer cruising around on the Ninja 250. As a father, I am glad to see that my son has picked up the same passion for motorcycles as I have; he still needs to work on the mechanical ability part, but that will come.
I have two reasons for selling the bike, first, my son has sprouted up to six feet in height and is still growing...physically, he has outgrown the Ninja 250. The second reason for selling the bike is that I have a 2002 Kawasaki Ninja 500 that my son would like to upgrade too and appropriately so.

Selling the Ninja 250 also leaves me in a bit of a dilemma; I did not realize how much fun I had riding the Ninja 500 last summer! Ya, I enjoyed cruising the highways and the back roads on the VStar 1100 Classic, but the Ninja was just outright fun to ride around the city. Back to the dilemma, I have it in my mind that I should have another sport bike, I have been actively looking but have yet to find something that really peaks my interest while at the same time fits within my price range. I am sure something will come along.
In the meantime, if I need a fun fix, I will just borrow the Ninja 500 from my son.
Until next time, ride safe!