Today, a good friend of mine and I attended a car show at local high school. It was a great show and all proceeds from the show will support the Stanley High School Auto Club! The weather was great and the turnout was even better! Check out the short video that I put together. See if you can find my friend's 1964 Ford Galaxie convertible!
One of the highlights for my friend and I was not a car, it was a 1920 6HP McCormick Deering Engine. It was on the back of a Ford Ranger truck. We spoke to the owner and asked if he would give us a demo and he obliged.
What a great way to spend an afternoon, checking out old cars, supporting one of our local schools and spending time with a friend! Best of all, my friend won the 50/50 draw and walked away with $180 in cash!
Until next time, ride safe!